I'm that guy you never want to cross paths with in a dark alley. I stand out among the shadows. Protecting my space like a stray dog.
Hair: Hair: CHEERNO App_HairBase ADRIAN[PACK]
Eyebrows: Unorthodox- Flame Eyebrows
Head: LeLUTKA Skyler Head
Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - / Mesh Ears\ - Cry on techno
Facial Hair: f u o e y . Axel Beard
Tattoo: [ H O W L I N G ]-God Master- Tattoo.
Jacket: GUTCHI - The Puff Parka
Pants: not so bad . LENY denim pants .
Shoes: FLI. - Fliposites Red Sup
Background: Dark Alley Backdrop - The Bearded Guy here
Poses: WRONG - BENTO STATIC MALE POSES - 116 @ man cave