I will speak the words. I can lose my tongue and it will never prevent me from speaking my truth. Nothing will ever stop me. You can lock me in this house and it still wouldn't stop me from being heard.
Hair. Opale . Malin Hair [Black/White]
Hairbase: REVOUL - Swoopiana Hairbase
Head: LeLUTKA Skyler Head
Eyes: AG. Influencer Eyes Pack
Eyebrows:Clef de Peau..Drago Eyebrows [OMEGA-BOM] @TMD
Skin: Clef de Peau.Lincoln [LELUTKA] @TMD
Facial Hair: f u o e y . Axel Beard
Tattoo: DAPPA - Deku Tattoo. @ Neo-Japan
Pants: Caboodle - Genzo Pants & Wraps - Black @ Neo-Japan
Backdrop: Purple Wishes Backdrop - The Bearded Guy
Poses: Animosity - 129 Pose Pack